Exhaust Emissions

The increasingly stringent exhaust emission limits for the protection of the environment and our posterity constantly present development and testing engineers with new challenges. Accordingly, exhaust emission tests, field tests, fuel consumption, and durability are now indispensable.

With our DEKRA Test Center in Klettwitz, we have laid the suitable foundations for fulfilling all current and future specifications. Here, our DEKRA experts test exhaust emission behavior in the exhaust emission laboratory geared toward this, which is equipped for a detailed analysis of exhaust emission systems as well as engines and powertrains with five modern test benches. Whether measurements of gaseous harmful substance components, particle mass, and number of particles or of fuel consumption – thanks to state-of-the-art technology, our DEKRA engineers provide you with precise test results that allow you to gain new findings.

Further, in addition to Otto and diesel engines, we also inspect vehicles with LPG, natural gas, and hydrogen drives as well as hybrid and electric drives. These are tested with respect to their consumption and exhaust emission values as well as electrical reach and energy consumption pursuant to the most important international regulations in Europe, America, and Asia.

The following table provides you with an overview of our service portfolio, which, in addition to the homologation tests, also includes measurements for series monitoring, benchmarking, and continuous running tests for vehicles and vehicle parts as well as tests on the DEKRA Test Oval to determine driving resistances. We will be happy to put together an individual offer for you.
DescriptionTest description
Exhaust emission teston Otto, diesel and hybrid vehicles
with vehicles that run on natural gas, LPG, or hydrogen
SHED measurements
Durability and aging analysesof engines
of complete powertrains
of exhaust systems
Quality assuranceConformity of Production (CoP)
Field test
BenchmarkingTesting the influence of components on exhaust emissions and fuel consumption
Alternative fuelsTesting of natural gas and LPG systems
Testing of combustion heaters (exhaust emission measurement, safety function etc.)
Test of electrical reach and energy consumptionof hybrid and electric vehicles