Coaching for High Performance™

An advanced workforce training that brings coaching skills to your organization

Your workforce should feel empowered to communicate freely and effectively on questions of safety or any safety topics. Our workshop equips your team with the skills they need to initiate strong coaching relationships and engage in productive dialogue about concerns, efforts and improvements, which may be required within the organization.

This workshop aims to develop your coaching skills to enhance safety performance.
Favoring a highly interactive approach, our workshop focuses on how to hone communication skills to bring out the best in people, especially around questions of safety.
The workshop uses a combination of group discussion, individual and group activities. It is recognized by the Institute of Leadership and Management.

Your Benefits

By the end of our high performance coaching you will have an understanding of:
Coaching and influencing change
  • An understanding of the skills involved in preparing and conducting effective coaching conversations.
  • Awareness of individual capability.
Communication and feedback
  • An understanding of how you can develop people for improved performance.
Strategic thinking and appreciating diversity
  • An understanding of the skills that help transfer learning.

Our Workshop Structure

By imparting and embedding effective coaching skills in your organization, we can change the safety behaviors and decision making of your team and deliver a measured increase in care for your people, plant and processes. We do this by offering human-centered solutions such as “safety champions”, skilled at coaching and supporting the members of their team. We know that humans are at the heart of change, not processes and procedures. The key to our approach is understanding and managing human behavior in a way that accommodates its inherent unpredictability and error.
Welcome and IntroductionGeneral introduction from trainer followed by a senior member of the leadership team setting the scene for the learning over the next two days.
Aims / ObjectivesThese are as detailed in the learning outcomes.
Ice-BreakerDelegates introduce themselves and take part in a short activity to break the ice.
Coaching with PurposeComparing counseling, training, feedback, mentoring and coaching.
The 70/20/10 principle of memory retention.
How coaching builds capability.
Skill Versus Will ModelAudit of your team’s skills versus will.
Developing strategies to support your team’s improvement.
The Process of Coaching – the GROW ModelDetailed discussion of each element of the model. Johari’s window.
Identifying Opportunities for CoachingExploring coaching “moments” – type of coaching and setting.
Skills for Effective CoachingDiscussion of CLEAR acronym.
Challenging effectively.
Active Listening.
Effective questioning.
Feedback and staying on track.
Having the Right Coaching RelationshipExplore the concept of “emotional bank accounts”.
Coaching pitfalls.
Understanding individual difference.


  • We are a behavioral change consultancy striving for a sustainable improvement in safety outcomes.
  • We influence the safety culture of an organization with the aim of 'making a difference for the better'.
  • We specialize in delivering the skills, methods, and motivation to change leadership attitudes, behaviors and decision making among employees.