EU Taxonomy and Sustainable Finance Training Course
Boost Your Organization’s Appeal for Sustainable Financing
Understanding and implementing the detailed criteria and technical screening criteria set out by the EU Taxonomy, can be complex and demanding. However, its role in channeling investments into sustainable activities and aligning with the European Green Deal's objectives makes a deep understanding of the Taxonomy crucial for investors and organizations.
Our training offers a comprehensive introduction to the EU Taxonomy, tailored for entities impacted by the CSRD and financial market participants in the EU. It covers the Taxonomy's scope, background, disclosure process and its significance for sustainable finance and strategic planning. Participants will understand the nuances of taxonomy eligibility versus alignment, apply their knowledge on technical screening criteria, the “do not significant harm” principle and minimum social safeguards through a practical case study.
The EU Taxonomy is a classification system that defines which economic activities and investments meet the necessary criteria to be considered “green” and have the potential to contribute to the six environmental objectives. It is part of the EU's sustainable finance framework, aimed at supporting the European Green Deal by directing investments towards green projects and activities that have a positive impact on the climate and the environment. The EU Taxonomy aims to provide clarity and transparency for investors, companies, issuers and project promoters. It facilitates the increase of investments in sustainable projects and contributes to the EU's climate and energy targets for 2030 as well as the long-term vision of a climate-neutral Europe by 2050.
Training Course Details
- Duration: 8 teaching units (1 day)
- Delivery format: virtual classroom or face-to-face
- Entry requirements: none/no special requirements
- Examination procedure: Exam
- Completion: DEKRA certificate after successful completion
Technical requirements: Stable internet connection, up-to-date operating system, and browser, microphone, speakers, webcam
- In our training course we offer you firsthand information from consultants supporting organizations with sustainability disclosure according to the EU Taxonomy and CSRD.
- We provide the expertise and experience you need to adopt effective reporting practices.
- Our global network of sustainability experts is always up to date with the latest developments in local and international sustainability regulations.