Expert Tip: On the Safe Side of Alternative Energy
Recognizing Hazards of Alternative Energy Technology in the Workplace
Successfully implementing and maintaining a healthy, safe and environmentally friendly workplace depends on informed employees guided by strong leaders. Staying up to date on alternative energy technologies is key to protecting your staff and the environment in which you operate.
The push for green solutions
Significant developments in alternative energy generation and storage technologies supporting massive measures to combat climate change and promote global transition to low-carbon energy sources are rapidly taking place. With new capabilities, however, come new challenges. Alternative energy technologies and the novel environmental, health and safety hazards they may create in the workplace include:
Significant developments in alternative energy generation and storage technologies supporting massive measures to combat climate change and promote global transition to low-carbon energy sources are rapidly taking place. With new capabilities, however, come new challenges. Alternative energy technologies and the novel environmental, health and safety hazards they may create in the workplace include:
Wind energy
Manufactured, installed and operated throughout the world, wind turbines pose traditional dangers to mankind, wildlife and the natural environment. Whether protecting against potentially fatal falls, lifting equipment accidents or losing control of electrical energy sources that can result in arc-flash and electric-shock, proven protocols must be in place. Employees working in the construction, maintenance and repair of wind turbines are often required to enter low-access spaces, encounter potential environmental contaminants and suffer extreme heat.
Tip: Ensure state-of-the-art turbine safety equipment and proper training!
Tip: Ensure state-of-the-art turbine safety equipment and proper training!
Solar energy
Lithium-ion batteries
Keeping up with technological advances designed to meet carbon neutrality goals by 2050 demands knowledgeable leaders to ensure an effective risk management strategy and the proper training of workers charged with the challenges of sidestepping the hazards of alternative energy solutions. Therefore, responsibility lies with leaders to do the due diligence and enact the policies and procedures to ensure the safety of workers in the field, protect the natural environment and defend the communities in which they do business.
About the author
DEKRA North America’s Vice President of Operational Risk Management, Mike Snyder is a recognized expert in occupational and process safety with extensive chemical and municipal experience providing advice to help organizations achieve pragmatic decision making and cost-effective risk management strategies.
Would you like to learn more about alternative energy technology and the hazards they may invoke? Contact our experts for the answers to all your questions!
DEKRA North America’s Vice President of Operational Risk Management, Mike Snyder is a recognized expert in occupational and process safety with extensive chemical and municipal experience providing advice to help organizations achieve pragmatic decision making and cost-effective risk management strategies.
Would you like to learn more about alternative energy technology and the hazards they may invoke? Contact our experts for the answers to all your questions!