Digital automation of testings at the DEKRA Test center / Lausitzrings

Period:May 2022 - April 2025
Objectives:Problem definition
The complexity and quantity of test scenarios required for approval or for tests accompanying the development of automated vehicles are extraordinarily high, with the testing of cooperative, interacting driving functions in a swarm multiplying this effort many times over. Such scenarios can only be experienced on digital test fields in continuous test operation. The results of these tests are of great interest to all manufacturers when designing interacting control systems.

Project objective
LAURIN will use an open access toolchain in the mCLOUD to support the exchange of:
- communication data
- infrastructure data
- maneuver data

The test automation of the DEKRA Lausitzring enables the development of a comprehensive database for networked automated driving and includes scenario generation including the execution of endurance tests, CACC development, roadside protection, Car2X communication and the orchestration of dynamic proving ground objects.

The aim of the project is to expand the test infrastructure with digital data services for highly automated test runs of networked vehicles. The implementation of roadside safety systems including the expansion of the control center via the "Infrastructure and control center" data service. This is the basis for data-based test scenario generation in the "Maneuver data" service. The link is provided by the "Communication" service.
Partners:DEKRA Automobil GmbH, acts as Coordinator or the project
iMAR Navigation GmbH, St. Ingbert
Smart Mobile Labs AG, München
Trace Tronic GmbH, Dresden
Fraunhofer-Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI, Dresden
More information:Funded by: This project has received funding from the German federal ministry of transport and digital infrastructure through the mFUND program.

Website: undefined

If you are interested by the services of DEKRA in this area, feel free to contact Christoph Bahnert
+49 35754 7344500

Contact: If you are interested by the services of DEKRA in this area, feel free to contact