Leader Team Care Map

Reflective leadership profiles

Behind every successful organization is an effective leadership team. Learning to tap in to the talent and expertise team members bring to the table involves opening up communication and giving individuals a voice.

Our Leader Team Care Map (LTCM) is an assessment tool that asks the leadership team to evaluate their impact on the company’s culture of care by rating their own efficacy as well as the company culture in general.
The LTCM helps the team identify where they currently are as a group and where they want to be in the future in terms of leadership behaviors and the core values of humanity, integrity and competence. This helps leadership team members understand their impact on the culture of their organization from a care perspective and invites them to share their views on how the team is performing.

Your Benefits

  • A more effective, communicative and values-driven leadership team
  • An internal assessment of your company’s culture of care
  • A company culture that promotes humanity, integrity and competence

Our Approach

Our specially designed LTCM survey classifies participants as leaders, managers or supervisors. Participants complete the questionnaire, which is used in conjunction with interviews, focus groups, observations and auditing methods. The data gathered reflects leadership perception and provides a measure of the culture of care present within your organization.
The survey covers the following topics:
  • Leadership styles
  • Values
  • Humanity –empathy, fair treatment, support, and interaction with others
  • Integrity –self-awareness, a sense of personal values, emotional stability, and openness to change
  • Competence – ability to communicate vision, responsibility for role, influence on others, and reliability
  • Authentic leadership
  • Control of work
  • Learning & development – individual and organizational
  • Communication
  • The role of the HSE function
  • Workforce engagement


  • We are committed to creating sustainable change when it comes to achieving and maintaining a safe, healthy culture.
  • We have extensive experience across a range of industries and know that fostering care results in reliability, productivity and improved performance.
  • We specialize in creating unique diagnostic tools, such as the LTCM, that lead to better safety, efficiency and employee engagement.