Leadership Diagnostic Instrument (LDI) Survey

Reliable assessment tool for leadership and safety culture

Strong leaders are critical to promoting reliability and sustaining safety performance, yet few organizations fully leverage their leadership teams’ abilities. The Leadership Diagnostic Instrument (LDI) is a tool for understanding and developing leadership performance.

The Leadership Diagnostic Instrument is designed to bridge the gap between leaders’ potential and their present performance. The LDI provides them with a clear picture of both where they are and where they want to go, enabling them to plan their developmental journey and track their progress along the way. The elements measured in the diagnostic instrument have been shown to reflect the cultural characteristics that predict outcomes. Results are displayed as both raw scores and percentiles, allowing leaders to compare scores to their own standard of excellence, as well as to a large database of leaders in other organizations.

Your Benefits

  • A leadership team operating at their full potential
  • Improved performance in terms of safety, quality and reliability
  • Strengthened trust both within the company and with customers and business partners

Our Approach

The Leadership Diagnostic Instrument is typically used within the context of our safety leadership coaching. In this one-on-one process, leader and coach work together to enhance the leader’s ability to accomplish shared organizational objectives.
  • Administration - The LDI uses a 360° methodology to assess a leader against leadership best practices (what connects the leader to culture) and leadership style (how they connect). Seven best practices and four transformational leadership style characteristics linked to climate, culture and safety outcomes are taken into account. This assessment may include direct reports, interviews with peers, managers, team members and others selected by the leader and the coach. Assessment findings and recommendations are compiled in an Individual leadership profile.
  • Results - The results allow individuals to understand their own performance more fully. For each leadership style element and best practice, the leader receives a percentile score that indicates how he or she compares to their own team and to others in the norms database of thousands of leaders from more than 50 countries. For each individual question, the leader receives the average score for each respondent group (direct report, peer, manager, and self) as well as the distribution of responses for each group. The distribution of responses, or response frequency, provides valuable insight into how consistently the leader’s style and practices are received by those with whom he or she works.
  • Application - The LDI’s individual leadership profile offers the ideal starting point for a leadership coaching and development plan. It identifies specific practices and other actionable items that a leader can address to enhance his or her influence on organizational safety and reliability. The LDI can also be re administered after the completion of a performance plan to help measure progress.
To become a transformational safety leader, an individual must translate core values, personality, and leadership style into safety critical practices. We have developed our leadership diagnostic tool to provide an objective measure of the seven best practices necessary to creating a vital safety climate and building an organizational culture that embodies safety as a value.


  • We are experienced experts with comprehensive know-how and many years in the field.
  • We have an international network of specialists ready to support our clients.
  • We specialize in improving leadership performance with our transformational approach.