The Making Safe Decisions® Solution

The Last Line of Defense for Human Performance Reliability

Cultivating strong leadership, a supportive culture and effective systems and processes reduces on the job hazards, but human error can still undermine workplace safety. Neuroscience provides insights into brain function that we have applied to enhance human performance and make organizations safer.

Safety leaders strive for zero harm, but the goal sometimes feels elusive. Understanding how the human brain is designed may be the key to counteracting the lapses in judgment that persist despite a strong organizational framework.
Neuroscience indicates that many errors result from how the brain is engineered to operate. In many cases, these characteristics – which we call Brain-Centered Hazards™ – help our brains be more efficient but, in some cases, can increase our exposure to injury and error.
The Making Safe Decisions® solution helps your organization and your safety leaders understand how the brain plays an important role in helping workers recognize exposure that can lead to injuries or fatalities. We offer the tools and techniques for overcoming brain-oriented vulnerabilities and help you learn how the brain supports or hinders worker actions, and also what you can do to optimize real-time high-performance reliability to avoid unplanned events.

Your Benefits

  • A workforce equipped with the tools to overcome the brain’s tendency to err
  • Leaders and employees able to take action in real time to prevent mistakes
  • A safer organization with the ability to reduce risk effectively through optimized human performance

Our Approach

Successful implementation of the Making Safe Decisions® solution entails five critical steps:
  1. Planning: We evaluate the organization’s exposure profile, review the safety activities performed by leaders and workers, and plan implementation, including key steps and milestones.
  2. Implementation: We manage and support implementation by focusing on communication and removing obstacles to success.
  3. Building capability: We educate frontline workers in 4 half-day sessions where they learn about the 3 steps essential to every action: seeing, thinking, and doing.
  4. Tracking progress: With leadership support, we measure progress so that the organization can see the changes taking place.
  5. Ensuring success: We help you devise a comprehensive and consistent set of sustainability strategies.

The Making Safe Decisions solution is designed for:

  • Senior Leadership in organizations that are determined to learn why good employees occasionally make incorrect decisions.
  • Safety Leadersand employees at all levels to learn the role of the brain and what they can do in real time to avoid unplanned events.


  • We are a forward-thinking team of safety experts, specialized on human reliability.
  • We have extensive experience in transforming organizations around the world.
  • We specialize in innovative solutions backed by neuroscience.