REACH Compliance

REACH consulting helps you fulfill your regulatory obligations

Our REACH consulting services help you navigate the complexities of this regulation and ensure compliance for your products. Our consultants can answer your questions and advise you on a range of topics related to REACH.

Since the EU’s REACH (Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals) regulation came into effect in 2008, manufacturers and importers have been required to comply with a range of obligations regarding the contents of their products.
Even substances and chemicals that have been on the market for years must be re-registered under REACH. The regulation is directly applicable, i.e. it no longer needs to be transposed into national law.
Other countries have followed this approach and set up their own version of REACH, e.g. Korea with “K-REACH” and Turkey with “KKDIK”.

Your Benefits

  • Rapid analysis of measures necessary for compliance
  • Advice, exposure measurements and analysis from one source
  • Long-term market access for your products

Our Approach

REACH affects almost all chemicals, and extremely hazardous ones require authorization from the authorities. Mixtures and products made with chemicals fall under the REACH regulation as well. Failure to register substances may mean blocked access to markets.
Our REACH compliance management approach pinpoints which of your articles are affected by REACH and identifies specific information you need from suppliers so that you can retrieve it, evaluate it, integrate it efficiently into your supply chain management and communicate it to customers.
Some of the areas our experts can assist you with include:
  • Substance data research
  • Production of IUCLID registration dossiers (Technical Dossier, Chemical Safety Report, etc.)
  • Only representative services according to art. 8 for non-EU manufacturers, only representative according to the Turkish “KKDIK” regulation
  • Consulting on REACH obligations for products
  • Laboratory tests (SVHC of the REACH candidate list) and studies
  • Expert preparation of safety data sheets
  • Consulting and training on all aspects of the REACH regulation

The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and the REACH Regulation

Registration and authorization of chemical substances is managed by the European Chemicals Agency, ECHA. Extensive laboratory testing and a substance risk assessment are necessary to guarantee the protection of humans and the environment from harmful chemicals. Companies have an obligation to provide evidence and information on the safe use of the chemicals they produce.
The REACH regulation affects diverse business sectors. Manufacturers who produce chemicals for their own use or for sale, as well as importers of chemical substances must fulfill various obligations according to the REACH regulation. In contrast, the role of downstream users is less transparent, as companies are sometimes not even aware of which substances they work with and to what extent or what obligations arise in this context.

The Turkish KKDIK Regulation

The Turkish KKDIK regulation is very similar to the EU REACH regulation, but has its own deadlines. Pre-Registrations have to be submitted before 31.12.2020, the registration dossier has to be submitted before 31.12.2023.


As a consequence of BREXIT, a new UK-REACH enters into force after the end of the transition period. EU-REACH registrations are no longer valid then. British companies that hold EU-REACH registrations can obtain UK-REACH registrations via grandfathering. Downstream users that become importers have to do a DUIN (Downstream User Import Notification). For access to the EU market, UK companies have to appoint an EU only representative. On the other hand, EU companies have to appoint a UK only representative to access the British market


  • We are REACH experts in the field of classification and evaluation of chemicals and their safe use (measuring agency according to § 7 GefStoffV).
  • We have experience helping companies in many industries conform with REACH and prepare safety data sheets and marketability certificates.
  • We have a 10 year record in supplying services in Turkish chemicals regulations (CICR, SEA)
  • Our chemical laboratories are accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 or GLP.
  • We are co-editors of REACH plus Navigator, published by Bundesanzeiger publishing house.