Residue analysis in case of damages

Residue analysis in case of damages
Residue analysis in case of damages
Chemical failure analysis and residue investigations of operating fluids and components
In cases of failures and damages, residue analyses, particle examinations, and paint comparison analyses can provide valuable insights for clarifying the causes of damage.
In our DEKRA laboratory, we offer comprehensive residue analyses and damage investigations to determine the cause of damage, as well as interdisciplinary testing options for interactions between material surfaces and operating materials.
Do you have questions about residue and special analyses? Contact our experts!
Cause analysis in case of damage
Residue investigations encompass the identification of unknown substances in liquids or in dry residues and deposits on material surfaces, vehicle components, contacts, as well as electronic assemblies and sensors. In cases of failures and damages, residue analyses, particle examinations, and paint comparison analyses can provide valuable insights for insurers, courts, accident assessors, or industrial companies to clarify the cause of damage.
For Safety and Quality
Our experts and accredited laboratories offer you interdisciplinary expertise and comprehensive residue analysis with chemical investigations and material testing.
Our scope of services for residue analysis
- FE-SEM/EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy)
- XRD (X-ray Diffraction)
- Examination of trace evidence films and microtrace analysis
- Elemental analysis (ICP)
- FT-IR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy)
- GC/MS (Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry)
- Ion Chromatography
- Chamber emission measurements
Additionally, we provide further laboratory tests and particle analyses, such as for investigating the technical cleanliness of components (residual dirt, LABS, ionic contamination).
DEKRA - Your partner for residue and damage analysis
- Interdisciplinary testing spectrum covering chemical safety and material quality
- DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025-accredited laboratories of DEKRA Automobil GmbH in Germany located in Bretten, Halle, Saarbrucken, and Stuttgart
- Global DEKRA laboratory network with testing and assessment capabilities